Client Worksheet

As we try to simplify the process of knowing our clients and their needs, we prepared this short document to start rolling. This will help us better understand you, your company, and your customers.

Your email address so we can contact you.
What are the products and services that you offer?
Please describe the people using your product.
Who do you consider are your competitors?
When would you like to start your project?
When does it need to be completed?
What is your budget for this project? Your budget determines how much time and resources we can dedicate to your project.
Is there an existing version of your project? (website, application, mobile app)
What are your goals for this project? (Improve sales of existing website, redesign, build from scratch, etc.)
Are there any additional comments that you would like to add?
How did you learn about us? What person referred you to us?
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